SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School News

School News

The latest news stories from SS Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary School.


News Stories

  • Education City
    All of the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should now have received their own logins to use 'Education City' at home.
  • Reception Big Dance
    Monday 9th July, 9:10am
  • Mill Rythe 2018
    For further details and photos please visit our school Twitter account @SSPP_Primary
  • Rights Respecting Silver Award
    It is with great pride and pleasure that we can officially announce we are now a 'Rights Respecting Silver Award' school.
  • Mill Rythe Pre-Trip PowerPoint
    PowerPoint upload
  • Ilford Recorder - News Item
    The launch of our new Learning Resource Centre made the local newspaper this week.
  • Harvest Collection
    Our new School Council Team have overseen the collation of all of the generous food and goods donated during our Harvest period.
  • SSPP Prayer Garden
    Artwork created by our pupils for the new prayer garden at SS Peter and Paul's Church was officially unveiled and blessed on the 29th June by Bishop Alan.
  • Adventure Island Reward
    As a reward for those who earned stamps and put in additional effort before SATs, year 6 spent a fun filled day at Southend's Adventure Island
  • Parkrun
    SSPP athletes complete the 2K parkrun in Central Park, Dagenham.
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