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  3. Empty Classrooms and Build a Den with your Dad Day a fantastic success!

Empty Classrooms and Build a Den with your Dad Day a fantastic success!

21 June 2016 (by adminuser)

Pupils from Nursery to Year 6 enjoyed a superb day of fun and learning outside the classroom last Friday as part of Empty Classrooms Day, a nationwide initiative by the Keep Britain Tidy Charity to promote the great outdoors.

Early years children had great fun during their 'Build a Den with your Dad' day and it was a huge success with lots of dads, brothers and even some mums turning up to build some excellent creations on the field. The parents gave lovely feedback about how well their groups worked together and how kind the children were to each other, which has made the staff feel very proud. Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 also had great fun taking part in a range of outdoor learning activities from maths trails and P.E. lessons to building water wheels and searching out animal habitats. The day was a national celebration of the health and learning benefits that can be gained from the great outdoors, not to mention the fact that it is also just good old-fashioned fun. Photographs from the day can be viewed by going to the News tab, Gallery and then selecting 'Build a Den' and 'Empty Classrooms'.
