Drop Off & Collection Video Guide
The following information was added during the strictest restrictions. As noted elsewhere on our website, we have currently reverted to our standard opening times (All Pupils - 'In' Gate opens 8:45am)
Previous Information - Autumn 2020
Please take the time to watch the following short video which gives details about the new drop off and collection routes for September.
It is really important that when you are waiting for the 'In' gate to open in the morning and at the end of the day, that you maintain social distancing as best you can. We will be operating a one-way system to enter and leave the site when you drop off your child/children and when you come to collect them at the end of the day.
Start Of The Day
EYFS and Infants: 'In' Gate opens 8:35am
Juniors: 'In' Gate opens 8:45am
End Of The Day
EYFS and Infants: 'In' Gate and entry to the playground opens just before 3:00pm
Juniors: 'In' Gate and entry to the playground opens just before 3:15pm
Children will be dismissed from their playground muster points. A large, open waiting area will be available for parents to wait if they are also collecting a Junior sibling.